Recipe: chanterelle pie

10:52 PM Valerie Ohata 0 Comments

I love mushrooms, especially chanterelles! If chanterelles appear in our house, I always think for a long time how to cook them to enjoy their taste fully. About a month ago, I got the first chanterelles and made a pie out of them. It turned out very tasty!

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- 100 g of butter
- 50 g of shredded cheese
- 150 g of flour
- 50 ml of cold water
- salt


- chanterelle mushrooms
- 1 onion
- butter for frying
- 200 ml of heavy cream
- 3 eggs
- 100 g of shredded cheese
- seasonings



1) Mix butter, cheese, salt and flour with hands.
2) Add little by little cold water and make a soft dough.
3) Push the dough to oiled baking form, make the edges.
4) Dock the dough with a fork and put in preheated to 200 degrees oven for 10 minutes.


1) If the chanterelles are small, then use them like that and if big, cut them.
2) Peel and cut onion.
3) Heat the pan, put a slice of butter and fry onion and chanterelles until liquid is gone.
4) Put the chanterelles and onions on the prepared base.
5) Mix cream, eggs, cheese and seasonings (salt, pepper) and pour on chanterelles.
6) Put in preheated to 200 degrees oven until it is ready (the pie will get a golden shade and the filling will thicken).


If you use my recipe, please link to the original source (my blog). I do not allow the use my photos without my permission.

Original recipe: kukeseenepirukas

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