How to sell your stuff online

10:08 PM Valerie Ohata 0 Comments

As a shopaholic and a person who is spending a lot of time for clothes and stuff, I feel that I need to speak about selling your stuff online.
It can seem to be an easy task but for successful sale you need to know some basics of selling stuff online.
Today I will share with you basics which I am sticking on when it comes to selling online.
1. Clean`n`tidy
It is important for buyers to see that you are taking care of your stuff. Who wants to buy dirty, broken or wear off looking garments? I think no one. Even if buyer washes it before take it on, it should be washed and ironed before selling. It increases interest in other people and attracts them. You are probably making laundry often enough to throw some stuff you want to sell to washing machine. Do not use washing liquids which are making clothes smell like air refreshener, some people have allergy or just does not like too strong odor.
2. Photo
Well, photo quality is all about selling stuff. You do not need to have semi-professional or professional camera to make pictures, your phone or tablet camera is enough if you know how to use it.
First of all lightning, natural light is the best. You need to show real colors of stuff buyer is going to get, otherwise buyer can be disappointed if was searching for pink shoes for party dress but got red ones. Make sure the color of item on picture is possibly near to real one.
Angle. Yes, this is important, too. If you move your picture in different directions you can understand that it looks more attractive or less attractive in different angles. Play with angles and find your favorite one.
Processing. On this point I want to tell you: do not over use it. If you add too much colors or, opposite, make picture too dark/light, then you will loose that real color and, as I mentioned before, your customer might be disappointed and ask for money back while she/he got absolutely different item from her/his image (same as shopping on Aliexpress I guess?). Usually I use my iPad or iPhone for taking pictures and processing them in Afterlight or VSCO apply. I am cropping them to cut off excess stuff which accidentally appeared on photo, adding some sharpness if needed and while black stuff is frequently getting too bright on natural light, then I less highlights on photo. And, of course, I am checking on angles by moving photo in different directions. That is all for me.
3. Environment
Got some wall with interesting pattern or picture on it? Somebody brought you fresh flowers? Just bought beautiful antique white cupboard? Use it! Potential buyer`s eyes will definitely stick on your photos :)
4. Brand
Many people are attracted by brands. Some people only buy expensive brands but some of them like any fast fashion brands. So always write item brand in description, it makes better feeling that you bought it from shop and it has better quality than something ordered from Aliexpress. Not only Burberry, Guess, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton, Gucci etc but H&M, Marks&Spencer, Lindex, Mango, Mohito etc.
5. Mix and match
People need some hints how they can wear something and you can help them to understand it. Show how this dress fits with this hat or this pants with this shirt. It gives people idea that they need it and also helps you to get rid of more stuff in one time. Double benefit!
Many people have asked me to take picture myself wearing selling garments, while they want to see how it really fits. It is a great possibility to show it on yourself together with another items matching this outfit.
6. Sell everywhere
Yes, everywhere you can! Find local Facebook groups that are for selling and buying, make your advertisement, write all information down (be concise and concrete), load pictures and add brand name, size and price. If item has some defects, then do not forget to mention it and make picture of it.
Sell on local websites or international ones if you are okay with it. It is taking pretty much time and energy but if you want to get rid of your stuff, then you need to work for that. Some people are searching for specific items in these kind of groups, be aware and always offer your stuff as much as possible, other people are checking on that posts pretty often and there is a big possibility that somebody will buy something from you.
7. Price
This is your own decision. I was selling my stuff really cheap, cause I needed to get rid of it ASAP (unfortunately I did not make pictures of all that countless bags but it was really much!). Selling stuff very cheap can be a fast way but on other hand it makes people think that this item is used pretty much and not in that good condition, so you are selling it that cheap. But selling item with higher price can be hard and people are more picky when it is coming to expensive items.

Do you have any hints selling stuff online? Please share them!

Wishing good sales,

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