Halloween preparation with kids

3:53 PM Valerie Ohata 0 Comments

I wondered for a long time how to headline my post but I could not choose anything from various options, so there will be such a simple title :)
Today's post will be about Halloween, which takes place every year on October 31 and what we have prepared for the Halloween with my child. The post will be short, I will show you my photos of different simple ideas that you can do with your own hands.

Halloweeen style clementines

Since I like to do very simple but interesting things with my own hands, which can be shared with others, I wanted my kid to bring something to the kindergarten and share with his group mates. Since we don’t eat sweets, I asked the teacher if it was ok to bring mandarins to children. They are perfect at any point: they look like little pumpkins and children like them.
I picked up a black marker and began to draw various faces. Of course I am not an artist at all but children liked it and they gladly ate them :)

I wanted to make pumpkin muffins for teachers but they remained raw inside .. I had to throw them away and make my classic muffins, which turned out delicious as always. Recipe: muffins


Since I knew that we would not eat a pumpkin in the near future (we still had one in the fridge), I didn’t see the point of carving this pumpkin and just drew some funny face on it :) it looks pretty cool!


If you want to arrange a themed dinner for your family or plan a party, draw scary faces on transparent disposable cups and pour something of bright color (orange, green etc.) on them. Quick, easy and interesting!


Since we just started to celebrate Halloween, we have not yet collected a lot of things but those that are collected:

Pumpkin bag for snacks from AliExpress, link: a bag
Toppers (5 pcs) for food bought from AliExpress, link: toppers
Trick or treat bag bought from H&M kids department few years ago.

So simple! And all this can be done together with your kids, they will also like all these decorations :) I am saving up ideas for the next Halloween and I hope to share it with you then. I hope that you have found something interesting for yourself that you can do with your family or friends :)

Wishing you an amusing Halloween,

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